boy and a girl playing instrument
  • Music is a science.
  • Music is mathematical.
  • Music is a foreign language.
  • Music is history.
  • Music is physical education.
  • Music develops insight and demands research.
  • Music is all these things, but most of all, music is art.

That is why we teach music

  • Not because we expect you to major in music.
  • Not because we expect you to play or sing all your life.
  • But so you will be human.
  • So you will recognize the beauty.
  • So you will be closer to an infinite beyond this world.
  • So you will have something to cling to.
  • So you will have more love, more compassion, more gentleness, more good. In short, more LIFE.
a boy listening to music

Give Us a Call at(941) 773-6301 to get started.

First Lesson is Free.

We call it the "Try Us - You'll Like Us" Lesson.

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